About us

About us

Imperium Holidays

Founded in 2010, Imperium Group is a national and international award-winning company for its commitment to excellence, quality and innovative products and solutions. From a humble beginning the company has over the past 3 decades expanded and diversified via serving both national and international customer a like.

From a humble beginning the company has over the past 3 decades expanded and diversified via serving both national and international customer alike. Currently the group operates mainly in tiles manufacturing, travel industries and export industries adding values to people and businesses via quality of products and innovative solutions.

Imperium Holidays


So who are we? Well, we are a team of people in the know (about travel). And we’re passionate about detail and service. Combine these, and you come out with our one simple, sole purpose – to encourage and indulge your curiosity about the world and to ensure that your time away is perfect.

We know that it’s incredibly important to spend your time off well. We’ve been there. It’s why our founders (who were presented with this exact problem in the early 2010 when trying to plan their own travels) went on to create Imperium Holidays. So it’s safe to say that your precious time off is safe in our hands, because we understand how every moment counts.

What We are Offering

About Imperium

Founded in 2010, Imperium Group is a national and international award-winning company for its commitment to excellence, quality and innovative products and solutions. From a humble beginning the company has over the past 3 decades expanded and diversified via serving both national and international customer a like. Read More…

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